How to get Group Membership count with Microsoft Graph API

Apparently it’s not that easy to get the amount of members of a group with the Microsoft Graph API. We need to specify the additional header ConsistencyLevel: eventual to use the Advanced Query Capabilities. Then we can use the Query parameter $count. Alternatively I found that I could also add it as an URL query parameter instead. That would be &ConsistencyLevel=eventual. Example Queries Replace the Group ID (02bd9fd6-8f93-4758-87c3-1fb73740a315) with your desired Azure Active Directory Group ID....

2022-06-16 · 1 min · Andreas Dieckmann

How to configure MFA methods for Azure AD

In my opinion the official Microsoft Documentation lacks of any clear information on where to configure the allowed MFA methods for Azure AD. So if you’re also wondering on how to configure the allowed Multi-Factor-Authentication methods for Microsoft 365, you’ve come to right place. So as of 2022-02-02 you’ll find the settings here: Short answer It’s still in the classic MFA Azure AD Portal, here: Long answer If you don’t trust me or that link above, you can manually click through to the right place:...

2022-02-02 · 1 min · Andreas Dieckmann

List all Users with administrative roles in a Microsoft 365 environment

Option 1: Use M365 Admin Portal There is finally a way in the main Microsoft 365 Admin Portal. Go to “Roles” -> “Role assignments” and click on “Export admin list” to get a CSV file with all admins and their roles. Option 2: Use PowerShell / Azure AD Graph Module Just a short PowerShell snippet to list all users with administrative roles in a Microsoft 365 (or Azure AD) environment. Please note that this uses the older Azure AD Graph Module (already planned for deprecation)....

2021-12-13 · 2 min · Andreas Dieckmann