Use with Home Assistant

Just a quick note if you want to use with Home Assistant. Setup I added the following section to my /config/configuration.yaml file: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 shell_command: ntfy: > curl -X POST --url '{{ topic }}' --data '{{ message }}' --header 'X-Title: {{ title }}' --header 'X-Tags: {{ tags }}' --header 'X-Priority: {{ priority }}' --header 'X-Delay: {{ delay }}' --header 'X-Actions: {{ actions }}' --header 'X-Click: {{ click }}' --header 'X-Icon: {{ icon }}' Usage To send send a notification, I use this YAML action in an Automation. It’s not necessary to provide all parameters. I ran with these four. As far as I know: Theoretically only topic is required by ntfy. But this simple shell_command action does not check if you set a topic. ...

2023-02-12 · 2 min · Andreas Dieckmann