Retrieve infos about Active Directory Based Activation via PowerShell

If you quickly want to retrieve infos about Active Directory Based Activation (ADBA) in your domain, you can use this PowerShell One-liner: 1 Get-ADDomain | %{Get-ADObject -SearchBase "CN=Activation Objects,CN=Microsoft SPP,CN=Services,CN=Configuration,$($_.DistinguishedName)" -LDAPFilter "(objectclass=msspp-activationobject)" -Properties * -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | fl displayName,DistinguishedName,Name,msspp-csvlkpartialproductkey } I haven鈥檛 tested it in a multi-domain environment, but I think it should work. Explanation The code uses aliases, which are not great in scripts, but neat in One-Liners. It uses Get-ADDomain to determine the Distinguished Name for the Domain. This should make the code portable. ...

2024-11-25 路 1 min 路 Andreas Dieckmann

PowerShell: Filter Active Directory Computers

I recently worked on a client project, where I had to do some work around Active Directory Computers. I used PowerShell and some light filtering and processing. And now I share those examples, and hopefully someone finds them interesting or helpful. Maybe it will be me, who finds it interesting in the future. In that case: Moin Andi! 馃憢 Example 1: Filter Computer by Operating System Version The AD attribute OperatingSystemVersion holds the OS version with the build number in a format like this: 10.0 (19041) ...

2024-08-07 路 2 min 路 Andreas Dieckmann

Exchange EAC stopped working after decomissioning all Mailbox Databases

I had this weird issue with a Exchange Server environment: The company had an Exchange Server 2016 DAG and migrated all User Mailboxes to Exchange Online. I then installed a fresh Exchange Server 2019 for Recipient Management and SMTP-Relay. To use the Exchange Server 2019 Hybrid License, I did not create a Mailbox Database. I removed all remaining System Mailboxes and Arbitration Mailboxes from the Exchange 2016 Servers. I decomissioned the DAG and uninstalled Exchange from the old Servers. ...

2023-05-16 路 3 min 路 Andreas Dieckmann