Exchange Online: Apple Internet Accounts - Need admin approval

When the first users logged into Office 365 with his iPhone to sync his Contacts and Calendar, he got this dialogue: Need admin approval Apple Internet Accounts Apple Internet Accounts needs permission to access resources in your organization that only an admin can grant. Please ask an admin to grant permission to this app before you can use it. By the way, the app used to be called “iOS Accounts” and was apparently renamed in early 2020. However, the previous AppID has remained the same. ...

2020-05-10 · 5 min · Andreas Dieckmann

Exchange Hybrid: HCW8064 OAuth configuration couldn't get performed

At the end of the Hybrid Configuration Wizard (HCW) I received the following warning message: HCW8064 - The HCW has completed, but was not able to perform the OAuth portion of your Hybrid configuration. If you need features that rely on OAuth, you can try running the HCW again or manually configure OAuth using these manual steps. The link “more information” links to If you lookup what OAuth is used for, this article comes up. There you can read OAuth is needed for cross-premises eDiscovery searches. Since these functions were not relevant in the project, I ignored them for the time being. By the way, running HCW again did not set up OAuth properly in this case. But sometimes you can easily fix a issue like this by re-running HCW. ...

2020-05-01 · 4 min · Andreas Dieckmann

Exchange - When was that mailbox REALLY created?

If you’re wondering when an Exchange mailbox got created, you will most likely stumble over the Active Directory user attribute MSExchWhenMailboxCreated. You can get the value using PowerShell or ADUC with advanced features enabled. 1 Get-ADUser -Properties MSExchMaiboxWhenCreated MSExchWhenMailboxCreated contains not the full truth That could almost be the end of the story. BUT that attribute is not what you might think. The attribute gets only propagated the FIRST time the user gets a mailbox. If that users mailbox was disabled and then recreated later, the timestamp of the first mailbox creation retains. ...

2020-01-25 · 2 min · Andreas Dieckmann

Exchange Room Mailbox - Set Permissions

By default, the “Calendar” folder in Exchange 2013 Room Mailboxes has the “LimitedDetails” permission for the “Standard” security principal. Therefore, if no other permissions are configured, users cannot view details for appointments in this room. For better usability in Outlook, the “Reviewer” permission is more suitable. This allows items to be listed and details to be displayed. If required, the CalendarProcessing can be adjusted so that details such as the description and subject of the appointment are not saved in the room mailbox. Whether all this makes sense always depends on the environment. ...

2020-01-15 · 2 min · Andreas Dieckmann

Outlook Certificate Warning after Office 365 Migration

Outlook Certificate Warning after Office 365 Migration Security Alert: The security certificate has expired or is not valid yet I recently received a request from a customer who still received certificate warnings (expired certificate) for the old Exchange Server after migrating to Office 365. Since I was not involved in the migration, I had to get an overview first: The On-Premise Exchange Server 2010 was still online - of course, otherwise a certificate warning would hardly have appeared. However, not all users received this message. This affected migrated users as well as users whose mailboxes were created directly in Office 365. ...

2019-12-18 · 1 min · Andreas Dieckmann

A new blog

That’s about how the conversation went when I told the first person about my blog plans. B: Your cell phone is ringing… A: Oh, what? taps on the cell phone … B: 2001 called and wants his blog back! A: … Well… The WHY Not only since I’ve been working professionally in the IT world, I know that the solution to many IT problems is often only a Google search away. In complicated cases, however, you sometimes have to research longer… Over the years I’ve always found interesting perspectives and solutions on the net that have helped me to get progress. With this blog I would like to give something back. I want to share solutions and ideas to help others. So this website is not commercial, and does not serve self-promotion or the like. ...

2019-10-21 · 2 min · Andreas Dieckmann