Automate Exchange Online with Azure Automation in 2024

If you want to manage Exchange Online via Azure Automation, Managed Identities is what you should use (this statement was last checked in June 2024). Legacy approach In the past, RunAs Accounts or Plaintext Credentials (🤢) were also commonly used for this purpose, but this is now considered deprecated. RunAs accounts will be discontinued by fall 2023. And I don’t have to say anything about plaintext passwords, do I? You could still use App Registrations in Entra ID, but if you really just want to automate some Exchange settings via Azure Automation, it’s not really necessary. ...

2023-01-09 · 4 min · Andreas Dieckmann

Set Azure AD Connect Staging Mode via PowerShell

Here’s a quick tip on howto enable or disable the Staging Mode in Azure AD Connect via PowerShell. Sadly there is no native Cmdlet in the style of Set-ADSyncStagingMode or something like that. In this article I’ll first explain the approach and then later on list the full command block you can use. So feel free to skip below to the end of the post. The following PowerShell Cmdlets have to get executed on the Azure AD Connect Server. ...

2022-07-21 · 2 min · Andreas Dieckmann

Exchange Server Setup Incomplete but fails to complete

I had an issue with a broken Exchange Server 2016 CU23. Or rather it was not fully installed. It was just a test environment, but I thought it would be useful or interesting to drill down on that issue. I’ll guide you through my troubleshooting steps / thought process. ...

2022-06-23 · 8 min · Andreas Dieckmann

How to remove all merged Git Branches on Windows

Here’s a quick tip on howto remove Git Branches that were already merged (thus not necessary to keep around anymore) locally on Windows, using PowerShell. Assuming that you do have Git for Windows installed. Execute these commands on your own risk. List all merged branches You can list all merged Git Branches by running: 1 git branch --merged Exclude current branch and “main” branch Then we |-pipe it into the following, to exclude the currently selected branch (marked with an asterisk *) and the main branch. This regex filter query does not aim to be universally good. So if you have branches that include the term main in their name, those will be excluded aswell. I didn’t care to optimize, because I don’t name my branches in such a weird way. ...

2022-06-21 · 2 min · Andreas Dieckmann

How to get Group Membership count with Microsoft Graph API

Apparently it’s not that easy to get the amount of members of a group with the Microsoft Graph API. We need to specify the additional header ConsistencyLevel: eventual to use the Advanced Query Capabilities. Then we can use the Query parameter $count. Alternatively I found that I could also add it as an URL query parameter instead. That would be &ConsistencyLevel=eventual. Example Queries Replace the Group ID (02bd9fd6-8f93-4758-87c3-1fb73740a315) with your desired Azure Active Directory Group ID. Try the query in the Microsoft Graph Explorer here. ...

2022-06-16 · 1 min · Andreas Dieckmann

How to configure MFA methods for Azure AD

This post is outdated. The “authentcation methods policy” is now easily available in the Entra portal. You might still need to migrate from the legacy settings, read the whole article at Microsoft Learn. OLD POST for reference In my opinion the official Microsoft Documentation lacks of any clear information on where to configure the allowed MFA methods for Azure AD. So if you’re also wondering on how to configure the allowed Multi-Factor-Authentication methods for Microsoft 365, you’ve come to right place. ...

2022-02-02 · 1 min · Andreas Dieckmann

List all Users with administrative roles in a Microsoft 365 environment

Option 1: Use M365 Admin Portal There is finally a way in the main Microsoft 365 Admin Portal. Go to “Roles” -> “Role assignments” and click on “Export admin list” to get a CSV file with all admins and their roles. Option 2: Use PowerShell / Azure AD Graph Module Just a short PowerShell snippet to list all users with administrative roles in a Microsoft 365 (or Azure AD) environment. Please note that this uses the older Azure AD Graph Module (already planned for deprecation). I don’t have an example code that uses the newer Microsoft Graph API yet. ...

2021-12-13 · 2 min · Andreas Dieckmann

List all Microsoft Booking Calendars

If you’re using Microsoft Booking in your Microsoft 365 Tenant, you might want to list all of the Booking calendars. Booking uses Exchange Online Mailboxes in the background. Every Booking Calendar has a corresponding Mailbox of the type “SchedulingMailbox”. If an user gets assigned “Administrator” for a Booking Calendar, they get “FullAccess” permissions for the Scheduling Mailbox. List all Booking Calendars with permission I wrote a PowerShell script to list all the Booking Mailboxes with the users that have access. ...

2021-11-12 · 2 min · Andreas Dieckmann

Verify Auto-Expanding Archives in Exchange Online

If you have Auto-Expanding Archives for Exchange Online Mailboxes enabled, you might want to find out, if it actually provisions additional storage. In the Exchange Admin Center (EAC), open the info pane of the user’s mailbox. Click on “Manage mailbox archive”. An Auto-Expanding Archive provisions more Archive storage space, if needed. Default Archives have 100 GB of storage available. If the archive is already bigger than 100 GB, we must have additional storage. ...

2021-11-04 · 2 min · Andreas Dieckmann

The Downside of going serverless

After creating as a serverless application (see my blog post My simple serverless journey was not that easy) I was kinda proud. Interesting technology, small and useful website. Nice. Reality But after a while reality kicked in. I was playing around with some IPv6 systems, when it hit me. With the previous design, the site would show only the primary IP-Address of the client. If the client supports both IPv6 and IPv4, it would still only show one IP-Address. ...

2021-10-27 · 3 min · Andreas Dieckmann