[English] How to get Group Membership count with Microsoft Graph API

Apparently it’s not that easy to get the amount of members of a group with the Microsoft Graph API. We need to specify the additional header ConsistencyLevel: eventual to use the Advanced Query Capabilities. Then we can use the Query parameter $count. Alternatively I found that I could also add it as an URL query parameter instead. That would be &ConsistencyLevel=eventual. Example Queries Replace the Group ID (02bd9fd6-8f93-4758-87c3-1fb73740a315) with your desired Azure Active Directory Group ID....

2022-06-16 · 1 Minute · Andreas Dieckmann

Microsoft Teams PowerShell: Authentifizierungsfehler/ActiveX-Steuerelement kann nicht instanziiert werden

Ich habe heute einen merkwürdigen Fehler beim Verbinden mit der Teams PowerShell erhalten. Ich notiere das hier kurz, da ich nach 15 Sekunden Internetrecherche keine Lösung dazu gefunden habe 😇. Alles was ich dazu spontan gefunden hatte, hatte nichts mit Teams zu tun. Ich wollte mich einfach nur per Connect-MicrosoftTeams mit der Microsoft Teams Administration per PowerShell verbinden. Ohne Angabe irgendwelcher weiteren Parameter, einfach ganz normal mit einem personalisierten Adminkonto anmelden und dann MFA bestätigen und so weiter....

2022-06-13 · 2 Minuten · Andreas Dieckmann

[English] How to configure MFA methods for Azure AD

In my opinion the official Microsoft Documentation lacks of any clear information on where to configure the allowed MFA methods for Azure AD. So if you’re also wondering on how to configure the allowed Multi-Factor-Authentication methods for Microsoft 365, you’ve come to right place. So as of 2022-02-02 you’ll find the settings here: Short answer It’s still in the classic MFA Azure AD Portal, here: https://account.activedirectory.windowsazure.com/usermanagement/mfasettings.aspx Long answer If you don’t trust me or that link above, you can manually click through to the right place:...

2022-02-02 · 1 Minute · Andreas Dieckmann

[English] List all Users with administrative roles in a Microsoft 365 environment

Option 1: Use M365 Admin Portal There is finally a way in the main Microsoft 365 Admin Portal. Go to “Roles” -> “Role assignments” and click on “Export admin list” to get a CSV file with all admins and their roles. Option 2: Use PowerShell / Azure AD Graph Module Just a short PowerShell snippet to list all users with administrative roles in a Microsoft 365 (or Azure AD) environment. Please note that this uses the older Azure AD Graph Module (already planned for deprecation)....

2021-12-13 · 2 Minuten · Andreas Dieckmann

Outlook Cache Modus für Freigegebene Postfächer

In neueren Microsoft Outlook Versionen es ist nicht mehr möglich, im Cache Modus für freigegebene Postfächer weitere E-Mails abzurufen. Stattdessen wird am Ende der E-Mail-Liste folgender Hinweis angezeigt: Es sind weitere Elemente in diesem Ordner auf dem Server vorhanden. Verbindung mit dem Server herstellen, um diese anzuzeigen In persönlichen Postfächern wird stattdessen die Möglichkeit geboten, weitere Elemente vom Server abzurufen. Der Text dazu wurde stümperhaft automatisch übersetzt, was sich gut ins Gesamtbild fügt:...

2021-11-19 · 3 Minuten · Andreas Dieckmann

[English] List all Microsoft Booking Calendars

If you’re using Microsoft Booking in your Microsoft 365 Tenant, you might want to list all of the Booking calendars. Booking uses Exchange Online Mailboxes in the background. Every Booking Calendar has a corresponding Mailbox of the type “SchedulingMailbox”. If an user gets assigned “Administrator” for a Booking Calendar, they get “FullAccess” permissions for the Scheduling Mailbox. List all Booking Calendars with permission I wrote a PowerShell script to list all the Booking Mailboxes with the users that have access....

2021-11-12 · 2 Minuten · Andreas Dieckmann

[English] Verify Auto-Expanding Archives in Exchange Online

If you have Auto-Expanding Archives for Exchange Online Mailboxes enabled, you might want to find out, if it actually provisions additional storage. In the Exchange Admin Center (EAC), open the info pane of the user’s mailbox. Click on “Manage mailbox archive”. An Auto-Expanding Archive provisions more Archive storage space, if needed. Default Archives have 100 GB of storage available. If the archive is already bigger than 100 GB, we must have additional storage....

2021-11-04 · 2 Minuten · Andreas Dieckmann

[English] The Downside of going serverless

After creating SimpleIP.de as a serverless application (see my blog post My simple serverless journey was not that easy) I was kinda proud. Interesting technology, small and useful website. Nice. Reality But after a while reality kicked in. I was playing around with some IPv6 systems, when it hit me. With the previous design, the site would show only the primary IP-Address of the client. If the client supports both IPv6 and IPv4, it would still only show one IP-Address....

2021-10-27 · 3 Minuten · Andreas Dieckmann

[English] Using PowerShell Regular Expressions to match against filenames

A short example for PowerShell Regular Expressions. Scenario: Match filenames like ID1234_MyDocumentXYZ.pdf.lnk. We want go get the number after ID and the rest of the filename between the underscore _ and the file extension .lnk. 1 2 3 4 5 $oldLink = "ID1337_MyDocumentXYZ.pdf.lnk" if($oldLink -match 'ID(?<id>\d+)_(?<actualFilename>.+)\.lnk$') { Write-Output "ID: $($Matches.id)" Write-Output "Actual Filename: $($Matches.actualFilename)" } (?<id>\d+) is a named regex capture group (initialized by ?<groupname>). The group matches any numeric character (\d)....

2021-10-25 · 1 Minute · Andreas Dieckmann

[English] Run PowerShell Script with Windows Task Scheduler

More ore less quick note for myself - on how to run a PowerShell Script using Windows Task Scheduler. Open Task Scheduler A quick way to open Task Scheduler: WIN + R, then run taskschd.msc. Create New Task Open “Task Scheduler Library” → “Create New Task”. Set all the self-explanatory options like Name, Description, User Account, Triggers, etc. Set Action Setting Value Action Start a program Program/script powershell.exe Add arguments (optional) -file "C:\Path\Script....

2021-10-13 · 1 Minute · Andreas Dieckmann